3 Facts About Sleep Apnea That Might Surprise You

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 9:44 pm
Man snores

You might know that sleep apnea is a condition that can interrupt normal breathing during sleep. What you might not know is how common it is, how easily it can go undiagnosed, what can contribute to it, or even how dangerous it really is. The good news is that you may also not be aware of how easily it can be treated. Read on to learn more of what you need to know about sleep apnea.

Estimates Say That 90 Percent of Sleep Apnea Cases Go Undiagnosed

One might be tempted to assume that snoring is not that big of a problem, but it can be a symptom of sleep apnea. People may not realize that their snoring might be caused by a blocked airway or that they are snoring at all. This can prevent them from getting the attention they need for a diagnosis.

With this potentially life-threatening condition, a person’s airway becomes fully or partially blocked as tissues in the neck and throat relax during sleep. It is more common in men than women, but prevalent in both. Obesity is a factor that can lead to or aggravate the condition, but not all sleep apnea patients are obese.

Sleep Apnea Can Reduce a Person’s Lifespan

Depending on the severity of the case, someone with sleep apnea can stop breathing more than one hundred times in a single night. When breathing ceases during sleep, the body wakes up to get the airflow going again. Over time, these frequent nights of fragmented rest take their toll on the patient’s health with increased risks of heart attack, stroke, and even auto accidents. If a case of sleep apnea goes untreated, the patient’s risk of premature death is three times greater than the general population.

Dentists Have the Tools to Treat Sleep Apnea

Many people find the relief they need from sleep apnea in an unexpected place…the dentist’s office! In mild or moderate cases, an oral appliance can be worn at night to open the airway, allowing sleep to go uninterrupted.

Sleep apnea is certainly a noisy impediment to getting a good night’s sleep, but there are things you can do about it. If you’re concerned about snoring loudly, frequently waking up at night, and feeling less than rested during the day, a consultation with your dentist may be the first step to solving the problem.

About the Practice

Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco has a whole team of board-certified sleep specialists dedicated to producing life-changing results. The practice accepts referrals from doctors and hospitals throughout the DFW metroplex while devising effective strategies to address sleep apnea. Services offered include sleep disorder assessments, sleep testing, oral appliance and CPAP therapy, and weight loss treatment. If you are concerned that you might have undiagnosed sleep apnea, contact the staff online or give the Frisco office a call at (844) 409-4657.

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