3 Must-Know Tips for Adjusting to Your New Oral Appliance

October 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 5:20 pm
a person smiling while asleep

If you’ve just started oral appliance therapy, you might be excited that consistent, high-quality sleep each night is just right around the corner! However, you might also be a little bummed about having to adjust to your new device; after all, this period can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms and annoyances. Continue reading below to learn more about a few of the common issues that you might encounter while adjusting to your device, along with some tips from your sleep dentist to help make things easier.  

Issues That Might Occur While Adjusting to Your Oral Appliance

In a perfect world, patients wouldn’t have to endure any sort of adjustment period after receiving their oral appliance. Alas, there are a few unfortunate symptoms and issues that might occur while you’re getting used to your new device. A few common discomforts include:

·        Drooling – Your mouth might mistake your new appliance for food at first, which can lead to you producing more saliva than usual.

·        Gagging – It’s possible for patients with sensitive gag reflexes to encounter difficulty whenever inserting or removing their device.

·        Nighttime removal – As funny as it sounds, your body can sometimes subconsciously spit out your oral appliance while you’re asleep.

·        General discomfort – Of course, the appliance will feel quite unnatural at first and you might experience some soreness and tightness. This simply means it’s working as intended; however, if you’re experiencing extreme pain, you should contact your dentist at once.

3 Must-Know Tips to Make Your Adjustment Seamless

Here are some useful tips that can make your adjustment period a little easier:

1.      Have a Little Patience – When it comes to oral appliance therapy, consistency is key; in order for the device to work as intended, it needs to be worn nightly. Your mouth will adjust to the device in due time, so don’t fret if things seem hopeless at first.

2.      Good Sleeping Habits Are Essential – You might consider lessening the impact of other bedtime distractions, such as smoking or drinking before bed, late-night snacking, or excessive screentime. Even making sure that your bedroom is the right temperature is important; research shows that we’re most comfortable sleeping anywhere from 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

3.      Regular Cleaning & Maintenance Is Key – It’s easy to forget, since you’re only wearing it at nighttime, but your oral appliance also needs to be kept clean and well-maintained. This ensures you aren’t spreading harmful germs to your teeth and gums; you wouldn’t want to get a cavity or something worse from simply wearing your device as instructed!

If you’re still having trouble adjusting after three weeks, it might be due to a problem with the design of your device. Your sleep dentist can make necessary adjustments or give you a new appliance altogether, and before you know it, you’ll be sleeping soundly each and every night!

About the Practice

Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco has proudly served patients in Frisco and the surrounding area for several years, offering a wide range of services aimed at minimizing the symptoms of sleep-related disorders. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to schedule an appointment for you or someone you know, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for further assistance. Telephone: (844) 409-4657.  

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