Can Sleep Apnea Treatment Lower My Chances of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:38 pm
a person checking their blood sugar level

It might not always seem obvious, but various health conditions can positively or negatively affect your slumber, and vice versa. If you are a prediabetic and struggling to get adequate rest each night, you may find that your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes and more serious sleep apnea symptoms increase over time. However, with professional treatment from a qualified sleep dentist, you may be able to reverse your condition and start getting the rest you need. Read on to learn more.

How Can Prediabetes Lead to Worsening Sleep?

A group of researchers at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK recently discovered a link between individuals exhibiting poor sleep who have prediabetes and the increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Those living with prediabetes who experience fatigue and the inability to breathe freely while asleep exhibited elevated A1c levels, which means their blood sugar levels were higher. Failing to get adequate rest can lead to tiredness each morning and a reduced desire to exercise and eat right.

All of this combined creates a problematic cycle that if left untreated can lead to the development of Type 2 diabetes, which is known to be the leading cause of heart disease.

What Can Sleep Apnea Treatment Do to Improve Overall Health?

When it comes to the potential for heart disease, seeking the help of a trusted sleep dentist is essential, especially if you are already exhibiting symptoms of sleep apnea.

There are several steps that are required before treatment can begin, such as a formal sleep study that will be analyzed by a licensed physician. Once a diagnosis is provided, a sleep dentist can develop a comprehensive approach that addresses your overall health and well-being.

To help you get better rest, they may provide a custom oral appliance or CPAP device, both of which are designed to keep your airway open at night.

Some potential treatment options that may be included alongside an oral appliance or CPAP are:

  • Weight Loss – Additional fat that exists around the neck can impede your airflow while asleep. Meeting with a professional who can develop a wellness plan that includes ways to exercise and eat healthily is important should you need to lose weight.
  • Cessation Resources – If you smoke, this unhealthy habit can increase your blood pressure, make exercise more difficult, and cause problems with sleep. Finding a group or particular product to help you quit can lead to positive results.
  • Stress Reduction – Stress is known to cause overeating, lack of motivation, and other unhealthy lifestyle choices. Seeing a licensed counselor as well as adopting positive habits, like meditation, deep breathing exercises, etc., can improve your sleep and reduce your chances of heart disease.

Living with prediabetes does not mean you are destined for a life of fatigue and poor health. Taking the appropriate steps now to get the help you need can do wonders in reversing your condition, lowering your risk of Type 2 diabetes, and finally getting much-needed rest night after night.

About the Practice
At Star Sleep & Wellness in Frisco, our team of sleep experts and specialists possess many unique talents, skills, and abilities that are designed to help individuals achieve better sleep and live a healthier life. If prediabetes or another similar condition is evident, we can work together to build a comprehensive plan that not only allows for easy breathing and fewer sleep interruptions but also addresses the root of the problem. Contact us to find out what we can do to help you avoid future health complications today.

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