
Dear Sleep Diary: What to Track to Obtain a Formal Diagnosis 

January 8, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:00 am
person unable to sleep

Knowing what happens while you’re asleep isn’t easy. That is unless someone can tell you when you stop breathing or snore. This can be frustrating if you wake up daily feeling fatigued, unable to focus, and moody around others. However, when talking to your doctor about your symptoms, you may be surprised to learn that sleep apnea might be to blame. But before a formal diagnosis can be provided, your physician might recommend keeping a sleep diary. What exactly is it and how does it work? Keep reading to find out.


Do You Drool? Maybe Sleep Apnea is To Blame

December 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 4:43 pm
man asleep and drooling in bed

Drooling can be an embarrassing problem, especially if you have a bed partner. However, the reason it happens may not be your fault. If you also struggle to sleep soundly throughout the night and wake up frequently gasping for air or choking, it might be that your drooling habit stems from a chronic condition known as sleep apnea. Read on to learn more about this common issue and how you can get help.


Peaceful Plants: How Gardening Helps with Sleep Problems

October 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 10:35 am
A woman closing her eyes and enjoying the sunshine in her garden

Like many, you may know gardening is a hobby with great upsides. It’s clear enough that time with flowers can keep you calm, centered, and focused. Still, were you aware your garden could also help you snooze? Research shows that tending to plants leads to quality rest at night. As for the details, let your Frisco sleep doctor fill in some specifics for you. Keep reading to learn how gardening helps with sleep problems and why to add treatment on top of it.


Can Sleep Apnea Treatment Lower My Chances of Developing Type 2 Diabetes?

August 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:38 pm
a person checking their blood sugar level

It might not always seem obvious, but various health conditions can positively or negatively affect your slumber, and vice versa. If you are a prediabetic and struggling to get adequate rest each night, you may find that your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes and more serious sleep apnea symptoms increase over time. However, with professional treatment from a qualified sleep dentist, you may be able to reverse your condition and start getting the rest you need. Read on to learn more.


When Your Sight is at Risk: The Connection Between Sleep Apnea & Blindness

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:44 am
a man snoring and wife covering ears with pillow

Living with diabetes can present many challenges, one of which is the potential for eye-related damage. Unmanaged blood sugar levels can negatively affect various areas of the body, and if you suffer from sleep apnea, the potential risks of cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and even blindness increase. Keep reading to learn why treatment for your sleep apnea and maintenance for diabetes can help you keep your sight longer.


How Does Sleep Apnea Affect Relationships?

June 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 7:40 pm
person lying awake at night

After a long day, there’s nothing quite like getting cozy in bed next to your partner. Research suggests that sleeping beside someone can lower blood pressure and reduce stress hormones. However, if you snore, you might end up on the couch! Snoring is a hallmark symptom of sleep apnea that, unfortunately, can disrupt sleep and strain relationships. Continue reading to learn how sleep apnea affects relationships and how a dentist can help.


Asleep at the Wheel? Discover the Dangers of Drowsy Driving

May 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:50 am
man experiencing drowsy driving

You’re driving down the road and begin to yawn. You recognize you’re tired and didn’t get a good night’s sleep, but you blast some cold air and turn up the radio. After a few more miles, you notice your eyelids getting heavy again. This is a dangerous situation to be in, no matter how far you’re going. Drowsy driving can have fatal consequences, which is why it’s important to seek help if you think you might have sleep apnea. Find out more about the possible dangers of chronic fatigue and what a specialist can do to help.


Why is My Sleep Apnea Worsening?

April 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 3:39 am
older couple in bed and wife plugging ears because of husband snoring

Have you noticed that your sleep apnea symptoms seem to be getting worse? Do you struggle to get the rest you need but are unsure why? You’re not alone. Many individuals are left wondering what is causing their inability to breathe freely. What you may not realize is that certain habits and even medications can be the culprit. Read on to learn what might be the cause of your worsening symptoms and how a trusted sleep dentist can help.


Embrace Better Sleep with Weighted Blankets

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 7:40 pm
person sleeping with weighted blanket

Weighted blankets have surged in popularity, captivating social media with their promise of enhanced sleep quality. While initially designed to help people with ADHD, ASD, and sensory processing disorders, these blankets have caught the attention of the general public for their potential to improve sleep for everyone, including those with sleep apnea. Read on to learn more!


Can Untreated Sleep Apnea Be Fatal?

February 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — starsleep @ 10:26 pm
young man asleep while mouth breathing

You may not think your snoring or ceased breathing throughout the night is that big of a deal; however, the truth is that when left unchecked, it can have fatal consequences. Living a life that leaves you chronically fatigued and unable to breathe freely while sleeping can begin to take its toll, not only on your daily activities but also on your overall health. Can untreated sleep apnea be fatal? If you find yourself asking this question, it’s time to find out why you should seek professional help.

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